The only 'dud' episodes I had were episodes four and six, but that's probably because my sense of humor just doesn't match up to those.If you watch this, don't expect to be wow-ed by it or anything as it's nothing special and doesn't have the same anxiety-filled tone as the game, but some might get a few chuckles out of it if they take it at face value and just use it as something to turn their brain off to for a bit.Story: 5Art: 6Character: 6Enjoyment: 7Overall: 6(Sorry if this wasn't a good review either, kinda my first one.). Which is a good thing I was in a pretty bad mood going in and it managed to fix that. Art is okay, not much to say on story as it's episodic and each episode's only three minutes, and the characters are about the same as their game counterparts Hiroshi is the skeptic, Takuro is the hot-head, Mika is the token 'girl' character, and Takeshi's still a coward.A few jokes fell flat for me, but all in all, it wasn't a bad time and did manage to make me laugh. It's basically putting the characters in these scenarios for crude humor, as multiple times they get killed in various comedic ways. And honestly, I'm perfectly okay with that, but I don'tthink it's for every fan of the game. It's a pretty basic story, four friends going to try to solve an old mystery of their town in a way that basically makes it feel like a Scooby-Doo episode that has an ACTUAL monster rather than a disguised person, but has it's scary moments and has always been rememberable to me.This anime, however, takes it in a more comedic route.